HealthyLifeCycle Shop

Touch in Meditation

Crystal Generators, Selenite Wands, Quartz Crystals

In TACTILE MEDITATION, practitioners seek to use ‘tools’ that they touch to enhance both relaxation and concentration during the meditation process.  HLC has sourced the world for these tools, and proudly offer PYRAMIDS, revered by the Native Americas, Ancient Egyptians for their spiritual connection to the heavens and the earth, ENERGY GENERATORS and HEALING/MASSAGE WANDS in Smoky Quartz Crystal,  Rose, Fluorite and Clear  Quartz,  Red Agate or Uruguay Amethyst;  smooth, highly polished Selenite Crystal (a Crown Chakra Stone)   STRESS & ENERGY STONES, SPHERES, LOGS/WANDS, PYRAMIDS and CHARGING PLATES. We also have Yogavni’s famously colorful Agate COATER SETS, left natural or edged in silver.  

Crystals - Fluorite Quartz Tranquility Lamp
129.00 129.00 129.0 USD